The beautiful journey of life begins when the fairytale ends.
The fairytale is not the best part of the story... it's what happens afterwards. The journey of life... that's what's important.
You see, in class we've been discussing death and the care of a dying patient (I'm in nursing school). Not my favorite topic especially after losing so many loved ones, but it's not anyone's favorite topic is it? But it is one that needs to be faced.
How do we live?
What is the legacy that you are leaving?
Is it about how good or bad of a person you are?
One of strength and dignity?
One of generosity or selfish greed?
Is it one of long held grudges and revenge or of great forgiveness of the unthinkable?
One of a victim or survivor?
Or is it one of selflessness?
One that shouts Gods glory?
A faithful life spent loving?
Who is glorified in your life?So here we are, on the Earth in places near and far. What is important to you?
Time is short and we must invest it wisely in what's important. May our hearts be turned to Abba. May we walk in love with hearts of flesh. And when we fail, may we choose to pick one another up rather than kick dirt each other.
Love always....