The life of small hands, a big heart and a burning desire to see the world know LOVE in an intimate way... And the adventures and life lessons along the way.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Faithfulness and Answered Prayers

So the past several days have been to say the least challenging. Some things happened with one of my roommates, and well spiritual attacks came from all corners. Every one of us was attacked in one way or another. We fought hard, cried and prayed a lot. Continuously for just over a week. Well the Lord answered our prayers. While its still been hard, we have victory in the Lord. We are warriors for one another. We've been learning a lot about what its going to be like to fight for our husband and kids one day. While things have not been easy, it has been such a blessing to be surrounded and loved by the roommates I have. They continually challenge and encourage me. We are still learning a lot about one another, but it continually gets better as we continually open up and are vulnerable with one another.

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